Wall Stacker

Wall Stacker


The Wall Stacker provides automated lifting, moving and stacking of finished wall frame sections at the end of a frame line.


The Wall Stacker is the perfect end to your wall frame line! Once you have your finished walls, make use of the Wall Stacker for safer and easier movement of frames.

Manual Handling Reduced

Finished wall frames are very heavy! Reduce the pressure of manually lifting these panels for your team, by introducing the Wall Stacker.

Quick & Easy

Having the Wall Stacker at the end of your frame line allows for quick and easy offloading of your finished frames onto your bundle. Then strap and wrap as you wish!

Reduced Labor

With the Wall Stacker you don’t need a team of workers to lift the heavy finished wall frame to its stack; you can do so with two people - one operating and one guiding.

Wall Stacker

Footprint - top view

Wall StackerDownload Footprint


  • Automated lifting and stacking of frames eliminates operator fatigue and lifting injuries
  • Centering positioning – reversible drive to centre the bundle as you stack
  • Designed to handle 2200lb frames with ease
  • Operator control station removed from lifting area
  • Side chains to progress frame over the lifting device
  • Stopper pins on infeed side of machine to prevent the next frame entering the lifting area
  • Sensors to prevent overrun
  • Toothed safety mechanism on lifting ram to prevent lifter falling should the hydraulics fail
  • The Wall Stacker can be made to match your existing outfeed height, common sizes vary from 18.5" - 34.2"
  • Ideally setup with a Chain Conveyor on the infeed and a Wall Stacker on the outfeed

If you have any questions or would like to understand how the Wall Stacker will provide efficiencies for your factory, let us know.

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